Don't Read The Prior Art: A Webinar About Preliminary Responses

Don't Read The Prior Art is a one-hour webinar by Kevin McNish about patent owner preliminary responses in Patent Trial and Appeal Board proceedings. It focuses on techniques that don't rely on addressing the substantive technical content of the prior art. Although attorneys who represent patent owners will get the most out of this webinar, attorneys for petitioners will also benefit from learning about foot faults to avoid.

Download the slides from Kevin's presentation here.

Watch the video of Kevin's presentation below (title card by Norman Waite-McNish):

About Kevin McNish

Kevin McNish represents clients in inter partes reviews (IPRs), post-grant reviews (PGRs), ex parte reexaminations, and other proceedings in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. With first-chair experience spanning more than 80 IPRs and other Patent Trial and Appeal Board proceedings, he is one of the most prolific PTAB practitioners in the United States. Across those proceedings, he has drafted petitions and responsive briefs; taken and defended expert depositions; and argued at oral hearings. He also maintains an active appellate practice before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, where he has both briefed and argued appeals of PTAB proceedings.